Well, I've made it to the last day of Library Day in the Life. It's been a fun experience keeping track of what I do each day and remembering to blog about it each day.
Nothing too out of the ordinary happened today. I had a couple of desk shifts, both of which were pretty quiet. In the morning I went and helped an academic staff member register for one of the library's databases, and he was quite appreciative of the assistance.
I did some cross-checking of references in some of our old print indexes and the database which replaced them, and confirmed that we can discard the print versions. That should save a little bit of space in the ASRS in the new library.
I spent the last part of my day collecting books of the shelf which need to have their location in the new library changed. They'd been incorrectly marked for storage in the ASRS, when in fact they should be on the open shelves. Now is a good time to take books out of the collection temporarily, as it's the quietest time of the year. Also, the collection move is starting in a couple of weeks so these items need to be fixed soon. There's still a few call number ranges to go, but I should have them with the relevant staff next week.
I've enjoyed taking part in Round 6 of Library Day in the Life, and will probably participate in Round 7. Maybe next time I'll tweet too.
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